Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Fresh Diet - Day 12

BIG NEWS!! I increased my calorie intake, I just couldn't take it anymore I'm so hungry. I have to at least try it and see if I am still able to lose weight. If I notice a stall on the scale I'll have no choice but to go back down and maybe make some healthier choices or add a healthy snack to my day.

Anyway, I called TFD and asked if I could increase the calories and without hesitation the rep told me absolutely! I'm currently getting 1200-1400 calories and it will be increased to 1600-1800 calories, yay!! I think that at my current weight I need more calories and once I lose a bit I'll see about decreasing it. I plan on adding exercise and as hungry as I am I just don't think it'll work out. So we will see how this goes, it takes 48 hours for the change to go into effect so maybe by this weekend or at the latest Monday the change will take effect.

Fig and Mint Pancakes with Turkey Bacon, can't get enough of the breakfasts on TFD, I didn't taste the mint (thankfully), and I was happy to see the pistachios. 

Greek Spanakopita with Spinach & Feta Cheese in Phyllo Dough. Same as before, delicious. 

Roasted Turkey Breast Whole Wheat Wrap with Fresh Guacamole & Spring Mix Lettuce. This was too plain for my taste. I added some whole grain mustard to it. And afterwards I ate half of my dessert, I just wanted something more. 

Pomegranate and Mint Glazed Duck Breastwith Southwestern Corn Saute and Sun-Dried Tomato Couscous. This meal was so filling, and the sides were great. I'm not a fan of duck but wanted to try it. It was ok, my sauce didn't come on the side this time and I didn't taste anything on it but it wasn't bad just not my thing.  

Pineapple Upside Down Cake with Maraschino Cherries and Pecans. The last time I had this there were many more pecans but this time just two bits. Its a nice dessert I just prefer the cheesecake over this. It wasn't offered today though so not a bad second choice. 

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